Walsh PFAS Treatment Facility Begins Operation


Name: Kevin Dumas, Mansfield Town Manager
Phone: 508-261-7370

Water Treatment Plant placed back online October 3, 2023

[MANSFIELD, MA, October 6, 2023]

In September of 2020 PFAS sample results at the Walsh Water Treatment Plant indicated levels greater than the MassDEP guideline of 20.0 ppt (parts per trillion). As a result, the plant was taken offline. Subsequently a plan for a PFAS Treatment Facility including well and treatment system upgrades was put together, presented, voted, and approved by the residents at the Fall Town Meeting that same year. The total project budget is $8.2M with 0% interest through the Massachusetts Water Pollution Abatement Trust Program on these PFAS components.

The Mansfield Water Division has recommissioned to full capacity the operation of the Walsh PFAS Treatment Facility on Tuesday, October 3, 2023. This treatment facility, located at 450 Gilbert Street, is the second of four contemplated PFAS treatment facilities in the Town of Mansfield providing PFAS free water.

Using a granular activated carbon (GAC) adsorption system, this treatment facility can treat up to 1.5 million gallons of water per day. Before PFAS removal is complete, the water is first sent through the existing Walsh Water Treatment Plant per the normal treatment process.

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known to the American Public as “PFAS”, are a family of chemicals used since the 1950’s to manufacture stain-resistant, water-resistant, and non-stick products. PFAS in drinking water is an important emerging issue nationwide. Because PFAS are water soluble, over time PFAS from some firefighting foam, manufacturing sites, landfills and other releases can seep into surface soils and groundwater.

More information on PFAS can be found on the Town’s website at  https://www.mansfieldma.com/537/PFAS-Information.

The Town of Mansfield will now be moving onto to it’s third PFAS improvement project which will be for the Dustin/Prescott Wells.

Walsh PFAS Treatment Facility Begins Operation

Walsh PFAS Treatment Facility Begins Operation